104 Richwood Rd, PO Box 7, Richwood, NJ 08074
104 Richwood Rd, PO Box 7, Richwood, NJ 08074

Weekly Announcements

Week of December 22nd

This Week’s Schedule:

Today…………………….5:30 p.m. Christmas Caroling
Monday………………..7:30 p.m. NA Meeting
Tuesday……………….5:30 & 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Services
Saturday………………5:00 p.m. Music Ministry Dinner

Nursery: An unstaffed nursery is available for any parents that want to stay with their child(ren) there.

Sunday School is offered for children age 3 through 6th grade. Please take your kids to the sanctury building today before the service begins.

Choir Cantata: Thanks to everyone involved in presenting today’s Christmas cantata. We appreciate your time and talents in sharing this ageless story in word and song.
Gillian Bruno…………………………..Desmond George
Emma Fox……………………………….Jon Guth
Jennifer Fox…………………………..Rich Havrisko
Heather Freeman………………..George Leonard
Emma Henderson………………..Orchestra
Lucy Owens…………………………….Beth Bantle, flute
Stephanie Owens………………..Noah Bantle, oboe
Donna Reuter………………………..Debbie Heller, clarinet
Altos………………………………………..Kerry Hitchner, clarinet
Carol Brozosky…………………….Josh Klodnicki, saxophone
Tori Durham…………………………..Zach Klodnicki, keyboard
Betsy Fox……………………………….Jeff Zanow, percussion
Judy George…………………………Narrator
Sandy Havrisko…………………….Ken Aumack
Karen Owens………………………..Audio/Visual
Pam Zook………………………………Jim Stiles
John Klodnicki
Bob Millard
Jake Stiles

Poinsettias: Anyone who gave poinsettias is welcome to take them home today. Please cross your name off the list that’s on the table.

Gift Cards are in! If you ordered any, please see Sheryl Casey today to get them from her.

Many Thanks to EVERYONE who helped with last week’s Cookie Sale! We made a record profit of $7,475 and appreciate you all!

Christmas Missions: Thanks to all who gave!
……….Kids Alley: About $1,200 in toys and gift cards were delivered to Kids Alley in Camden.

……….Angels Outreach: About $1,200 in gifts were delivered to Angels for distribution to those in need.

Caroling: Anyone interested is welcome to join the MYF tonight to go Christmas caroling. We’ll meet at the Hall at 5:30, drive around to some of our shut-ins and older church members, then meet back at the Hall for cookies and hot chocolate. Show some love this season and join us!

Christmas Eve: We will hold two Candlelight Services in the sanctuary on Christmas Eve. The first will start at 5:30 p.m. and the second at 7:00 p.m. They feature scripture readings, carol singing, special music and candlelighting. The 7:00 p.m. service will be live-streamed on Facebook.
Our Christmas offering this year will be divided between the ministry needs of the church and UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Hurricane Relief. UMCOR has helped after the recent storms, and will provide long-term aid for recovery by providing financial assistance for local relief work. They have already provided grants to several southern United Methodist Conferences after Helene.

Music Ministry Dinner: Anyone involved in the church’s music ministry (those in the choir, the band, and the chime choir) and their families are invited to a covered dish dinner at the parsonage on Saturday, December 28th, at 5:30 p.m. Please sign up if you can join us!
Knit & Crochet Ministry will not meet until January. See Bobbie Pohl if you have questions.

Midweek Bible Study will resume on Wednesday, January 15th.

Give Electronically: You can now give to the church online (click on the “Give Online” link on our website) or through this QR code. You can make a one-time donation or set up recurring giving there. Thank you for your generous giving to the church!

Card Making Ministry: A group will start in January (first meeting will be January 7th at 10:00 a.m.) for the purpose of making greeting cards. Sharon Heritage will lead the group and provide materials. Please let her know (609-502-2041) if you plan to join them.

Disaster Response: The GNJ Disaster Committee is gearing up to form Early Response Teams. These exist to provide leadership for disaster readiness, relief, and recovery; they provide training, resources, and ‘people power’ that can be offered to assist local churches in their own disaster response ministry. Carol Brozosky will be training volunteers in New Jersey on January 4th and 11th and would love to have some volunteers from our church join this group. Please contact her (856-264-3672) for more information.

Acolytes: Children age 6 through 6th grade are welcome to serve as acolytes. Parents should please let Drew Tyler know TODAY (DrewTyler12@yahoo.com) if your child wants to participate! Training will be given for those who need it.

ShopRite Cards: These work just like cash, and we earn 5% on every dollar. Buy them here and help raise funds for the church! See Jen Souders, Sue Hitchner or Karen Luttenberger (609-617-4546).

Pastor’s Christmas Gift: It is our tradition to give the pastor and Mildred a cash gift for Christmas. Anyone wishing to contribute should clearly mark their gift and give it TODAY to Gregg Ferguson, Melissa Guth, or Lyn Zanow.