104 Richwood Rd, PO Box 7, Richwood, NJ 08074
104 Richwood Rd, PO Box 7, Richwood, NJ 08074

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered each week for children age 3 through 6th grade. Our Sunday School classes meet during the 10:00 am Worship Service. Children are dismissed from the service to their classes. Classes are divided as follows:
  • Pre-School through Kindergarten
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades
  • 4th, 5th and 6th Grades
Each of our teachers teach one Sunday a month. Craft sessions are scheduled occasionally on Sundays before Sunday School classes begin. Other special events are scheduled during the year so kids can get together outside of church and other than Sunday mornings: Easter Egg Hunt, picnics, swim parties, etc.

You are welcome to join us!