104 Richwood Rd, PO Box 7, Richwood, NJ 08074
104 Richwood Rd, PO Box 7, Richwood, NJ 08074

Opportunities To Serve

There are lots of opportunities to serve others here at RUMC! Everyone is encouraged to get involved somewhere!


  • Join the choir. They sing in church most every Sunday and do two special cantata programs each year.
  • Become a Sunday School teacher. Each one is responsible for teaching one Sunday a month.
  • Volunteer to help with our fundraisers.
  • Join the Knit & Crochet ministry. They make baby blankets, afghans and more to give away to those who need them.


We are a host church for Family Promise, an organization that provides solutions for family homelessness. Once a quarter or so, we provide meals for a week to local families in the program. See www.FamilyPromise.org or see Karen Luttenberger.


Kids Alley offers at-risk children in Camden a safe place to hang out, study and eat. We support this ministry throughout the year by providing Easter baskets, backpacks and school supplies, and Christmas presents for many of the kids. See www.KidsAlley.org.


  • We support a school in Mellier, Haiti. We help pay the teachers’ salaries and have provided funds for rebuilding classrooms.
  • The youth group raises money for World Vision every February by doing the 30-Hour Famine. We sent over $5,000 this year to help hungry kids!
  • We help Angels Outreach in Pitman by collecting food and funds, and by sending volunteers to help with some of their work.
  • We fill shoeboxes each fall for Samaritan’s Purse, who distribute them to those in need around the world.