Week of January 26th
This Week’s Schedule:
Today……………………..6:00 p.m. MYF
Monday…………………7:30 p.m. NA
Tuesday………………..7:00 p.m. Al-Anon Meeting
Wednesday………….10:00 a.m. Midweek Bible Study
…………………………………6:15 p.m. Chimes Rehearsal
…………………………………7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
Friday…………………….10:00 a.m. Knit & Crochet
Next Sunday………..6:00 p.m. MYF
Nursery: An unstaffed nursery is available for any parents that want to stay with their child(ren) there.
Please Pick Up a copy of the church’s February newsletter today if you would like one. There are also extra copies of the calendar page available. If you don’t get an email from the church each Tuesday, please fill out a tan card found in the pew and put it in the offering plate and we’ll add you to the mailing list.
Family Promise: We have stepped up from a support church to a host church for Family Promise! This week is our turn to provide meals for two families. Thanks to everyone who has signed up; there are only a couple of slots still open. See Karen Luttenberger (609-617-4546 or (dluttenberger@comcast.net) if you can help or if you have any questions!
MYF: All those in grades 6 – 12 are welcome to join the MYF for their Sunday night meetings. Games and snacks are first, followed by Bible study. They will meet tonight and next Sunday.
30-Hour Famine: The MYF will be doing the 30-Hour Famine at the end of February to raise money for World Vision. Today they are giving out free M&M tube candy! Please take one, eat the candy, and return the tube filled with change, cash or a check. Every $40 feeds and cares for a child for a month! You can also sponsor our kids directly or give online. There’s a special tile on our giving platform for World Vision. All money raised for the Famine will go to World Vision. Donations are due by the end of February.
Famine Help Needed: If you are available Saturday, February 22nd, from about 1:30 – 4:00, and would like to help the MYF with one of their Famine activities, please see Mildred. We need a home with a basketball hoop, and we need 4 or 5 judges.
Chimes will rehearse this Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. Members are: Sandy Havrisko, Karen Owens, Dave Price, Kayla Soucy, Amey Woolam and Pam Zook.
Knit & Crochet Ministry: This group meets every Friday from 10:00 a.m. to noon in the Youth Room at the Hall. Anyone interested is invited to join them; just bring whatever project you’re working on. They’d be glad to teach anyone who wants to learn!
LIFE Class will meet NEXT Tuesday, February 4th, from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Hall. All women are welcome to attend!
Romantic Dinner: Couples of all ages are welcome to join us for a Romantic Dinner on Saturday, February 8th, from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the Hall. Sign-ups will be by table and the meal will be covered dish; the sign-up sheet is in the entryway. Please note what covered dish to bring when you sign up, as you are providing that for your table only. Games (with fabulous prizes) are also planned. Get a babysitter and join us for the evening!
Souper Bowl of Caring: What if everyone watching the Big Game gave just one dollar or one can of food to a local food charity? For over 30 years, the Souper Bowl of Caring movement has inspired people across the nation to tackle hunger in their local communities. By bringing $1 or a can of food to church on Sunday, February 9th, you can help those in need locally! Everything given will go to Angels Outreach in Pitman.
Flowers: A new sign-up chart has been posted by the front door for anyone wishing to provide flowers in church this year. Sign up on the Sunday you want to give flowers in honor or memory of someone. You are then responsible for making arrangements for the flowers; you can bring them yourself (vases are available) or call a florist.
Fun Food Shopping: Our 4th – 6th grade Sunday School class will be grocery shopping on Sunday, February 9th. All “fun foods” (no canned veggies!!) will be delivered to Angels Outreach during the Famine. Those involved should meet at the church that morning by 8:45 with their permission slips (given out today). The group will be back before the 10:00 a.m. service. If you want to donate toward this, please contribute to the Souper Bowl of Caring; money collected that day will go to buy food for Angels Outreach.
Confirmation is an important opportunity for kids to learn about their Christian faith traditions and to own the faith for themselves. The pastor will be holding Confirmation Classes this year on Wednesday evenings (March 12th – April 9th), with Confirmation taking place on Easter Sunday. If your child is in 7th Grade or is older and has never been confirmed, please speak with the pastor if you have questions or to enroll him or her in class.
Greeters/Ushers: If you are willing to serve in the coming weeks, please sign up in the entryway!
ShopRite Cards: These work just like cash, and we earn 5% on every dollar. Buy them here and help raise funds for the church! See Jen Souders, Sue Hitchner or Karen Luttenberger (609-617-4546). We would love to have more of you involved in this program; it’s an easy way to raise money for the church!